Environment & Health

Tackling Climate Change cannot be done in silos or in isolation. It needs a united approach across the globe to tackle this problem. We accept the need for urgent action and we accept we all need to play our part because if Bolsover District is to have a future it must be a green one!

We will continue to invest in schemes that reduce carbon emissions, promote ‘green’ methods of transport and develop our green spaces and wildlife habitats.

If the past few years have taught us anything, it is how important being outside in tranquil green spaces and participating in physical activity is for mental health and physical well-being. We will continue to work with partners to improve our local parks and nature areas and access to sports and physical activity for the benefit of the whole community.

To do this we aim to:

  • Develop existing green spaces with our partners to create wildlife habitats and promote physical activities such as walking and cycling. This includes the reclamation and redevelopment of the old Whitwell colliery spoil heap to create a new nature reserve that offers improved public access to the countryside, footpath and bridleway links beyond
  • Investigate the use of swapping council vehicles to electric or alternative fuel that will reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Plant one million trees across Bolsover District to help increase the areas tree cover, providing community woodlands and to help reduce the impacts of climate change.
  • Ensure all council housing stock has loft and wall insulation and energy efficient means of heating, reducing the amount of energy required.
  • Support and develop local community wildlife habitat projects through providing expertise, skills, knowledge and access to funding.
  • Continue working with schools to reduce childhood obesity by encouraging healthier eating and greater opportunities for sport and physical activities.
  • Build upon the successful Bolsover Wellness scheme by providing more physical activities and social settings for those aged 50 plus or with long term health conditions to keep fit and stay healthy.
  • Continue to invest in and broaden the range of materials that can be recycled through the popular burgundy bin recycling scheme.