
We aim to provide good quality, modern and affordable housing for our communities.

We are currently investing £36million in building a range of new council properties which will be built to the Lifetime Homes Standard and be sited in places we know there is a demand, allowing people to stay close to their family and friends.

The population in our towns and villages is growing. It is vital we ensure that our communities and housing grow in tandem, so people who live in our neighbourhoods can enjoy a decent quality of life in Bolsover District.

As part of the planning process we aim to ensure that new housing developments fit in with the style and character of their surroundings and have provision for affordable housing.

To do this we aim to:

  • Continue investing in good quality, modern and energy efficient council properties that are affordable to rent.
  • Keep investing in the housing stock to improve existing properties and adapting homes to allow people to live independently if they so wish.
  • Work with owners of empty properties to bring them back into use, or use powers to reduce the impact they have on neighbourhoods.
  • Continue with the ongoing work programme to renovate and refurbish Independent Living Accommodation to help those with complex needs and the elderly who require the long-term care they need.
  • Work with developers to ensure that the right housing is built in the right location for the right people.
  • Work with contractors on the Bolsover Homes project to ensure local companies have access to employment opportunities, apprenticeships and training schemes and services and where available, goods are bought from within a 20 mile radius of the site to help the local economy.