Supporting local businesses and groups

Labour leader, Steve Fritchley has backed up his commitment to supporting local businesses, community groups and charities across Bolsover District, by offering free adverts on four new digital display screens.

The large 65” screens will be located in Bolsover, Clowne, Shirebrook and South Normanton town centres and will advertise things like events, community projects, businesses, council initiatives, tourist attractions and charities.

Steve said, “The importance of our high streets and the part community groups play in our societies cannot be underestimated. So, we need to do all we can to help and stimulate our local economy and communities as much as possible and one way we can do this is by offering these free adverts.”

The adverts will be free to any business, community group or charity within Bolsover District so long as the activities are taking place within the District. The adverts will be free up until October 2023, after which the offer will be reviewed.

Steve added, “Advertisements can cost a fortune and for many small businesses and local groups it is simply out of their reach. So, this is another example where your Labour council is helping and doing what it can for our local communities, businesses and supporting our high streets.

“I would urge groups and businesses to get in touch and take advantage of this offer so we can help Bolsover District prosper.”

If you would like to take up the offer of a free advert then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at Bolsover District Council on 01246 242323 for more detail.