Council Leader, Steve Fritchley with members of the Helping Hands Group in Clowne

More needs to be done to help community groups

Labour Leader of Bolsover District Council, Steve Fritchley is a big believer that community and voluntary groups are the heartbeat of the area, but he also believes more should be done to help them.

The past two years have seen quite a few groups scale back their activities or completely fold due to lack of interest, increasing costs or for fear of going out.

Steve, recently visited the Helping Hands Group in Clowne who told him they have been finding it difficult to make ends meet and won’t be able to afford to go on special outings due to increased costs. This weekly social club play games and hold raffles to help raise funds, but an increase in transport costs and room hire mean the group has to find upward of £500 a month just to survive.

Steve said, “It was a real pleasure to go and speak to the members of the group, some of which had been attending for over twenty years. But more needs to be done to help them survive and thrive.

“Community groups have been the mainstay of local communities for years now. We used to have amateur dramatics, bingo clubs galore and model aircraft groups in every corner of the District, but they have dwindled to just a handful over time and if we are not careful we will soon end up with none.

“These weekly social groups can often be the only time someone gets out the house and talks to another person so we have to take responsibility and do all we can. I am really worried that if something isn’t done, then there won’t be any of these groups and social activities in the future.”

In 2020, Steve stated that he felt people would develop agoraphobia as the pandemic bit and requested:

  1. A list of community groups be put together to help highlight the groups and provide people with somewhere to go after restrictions had been lifted.
  2. Offered free advertising and assistance with promotion to help groups attract more people.
  3. He is putting together a small grants scheme from the Bolsover District Community Lottery to help those clubs who are signed up to the lottery.
  4. Took part in a Llyods Bank Foundation video promoting people and local communities.
  5. And he is looking to visit as many groups up and down Bolsover District as possible to see what they do, help spread the word and promote them.

Steve said, “Why, when so many people want to be part of a community, are places and groups that facilitate community connection dying out. More needs to be done to help them. In my local area of Shirebrook the town council provide free room hire to groups which can often mean the difference between surviving and folding, so why can’t other areas?”

If you would like Steve to visit your group, then please get in touch with him via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone his office on 01246 242499.