Labour Leader pens open letter to local residents


Dear resident,

The last four years has seen many difficulties and challenges and have been traumatic times for many of us.

I am of course referring to the Coronavirus pandemic and the associated difficulties during the periods of lockdown.

Notwithstanding the financial aspect, the fear and isolation affected everyone, especially the elderly and vulnerable within our communities. But, here at the Council our staff helped reassure thousands of people with telephone conversations, delivered food hampers and helped with collecting and delivering much-needed prescriptions, all whilst continuing to deliver our essential services such as bin collections and benefit payments.

Even during that time, we were continuing to plan for new projects and maintaining our services on your behalf.

When I became Leader in 2019, my main objectives were to provide good quality services within a balanced budget and to provide investment and regeneration that would boost our economy and help local communities.

I do feel, in the main, we have achieved this. Our services are amongst some of the top rated in the country and for at least the past 15-years we have had excellent audit reports that show we are providing value for money with no significant weaknesses identified. All of this during 13-years of Conservative austerity that have reduced our budgets to near breaking point. Our approach in being flexible and adaptable and dealing with whatever is thrown at us, has stood us in good stead.

Our ambitions allow us to deliver new projects such as building new council properties, expanding our recycling schemes and assisting local businesses all whilst having the preparedness to address uncertainties such as reductions in the funding and income we receive, changes in Government legislation that affect our services or influences that affect our local communities and their way of life.

We have changed:

  • the way we operate;
  • by challenging what has always been the norm;
  • by being more flexible;
  • being bolder in our decision-making; and
  • by providing services that not only meet, but exceed, the expectations of our residents.

You only have to look at two of the biggest decisions we have made in the last four-years to see this, both of which involved private companies.

Ward Recycling was a private company contracted to carry out the burgundy bin collections, but in 2021 they went into receivership. Rather than re-advertising for a tender, the Council took the decision to bring the service back in-house. This not only proved to be cheaper, but also far more efficient. It also saved many jobs and provided a seamless transition, and has enabled us to improve the service by offering more waste streams to be recycled.

The second was the collapse of Woodhead Construction Ltd who was the contractor building out some of ours and neighbouring Council’s schemes. We again took swift and decisive action to rescue the projects by establishing a Council-owned company called Dragonfly Development Ltd. After only a week’s delay the sites were back in operation and are all now almost fully complete. This not only saved jobs but will provide a much-needed income stream from housing, commercial and regeneration activities to help fund additional schemes for our communities.

These two major decisions underpin our commitment to you and show that when we say something, we actually do it. As I said earlier, the past four years have been challenging and they have also been very rewarding.

We have spent millions of pounds on projects, kept open and expanded our facilities and services, and saved jobs. Compare this to the Conservative run Derbyshire County Council who have:

  • closed Adult Day Care Centres;
  • closed Care Homes;
  • closed the Langwith and Whaley Thorns Heritage Centre building;
  • seem intent on closing libraries; and
  • generally have the mind-set to outsource services which affect people’s jobs and the services you as local residents receive.

So when the Tories talk about saving you money, what they mean is cutting services and jobs and closing community facilities.

Having said that, rather than concentrate on the failings of other parties, I prefer to concentrate on what Labour and Bolsover District Council has done, and is continuing to do on your behalf.

  • Sheltered Accommodation – Looking after our elderly is a key priority for us. That’s we have invested over £10million into refurbishing our independent living centres at Creswell, Clowne, Hillstown, Shirebrook, Pinxton and Blackwell.
  • Environment – We understand the importance of nature and the environment that’s why we are investing in planting orchards that help nurture nature and provide a sustainable food resource for the local community. This started in Creswell and has since been expanded into Whaley Thorns, South Normanton, Bolsover and Pinxton with many more to come.
  • Leisure and social activities – If the past few years have taught us anything, it is how important outdoor spaces and social get-togethers are. We continually invest in and upgrade our play equipment and will continue to do so by building new or refurbishing play and recreation grounds. We recently opened the new £3million heritage and wellbeing centre in Creswell and we are looking to establish new community and voluntary groups across the District, whilst continuing to support existing ones.
  • Housing – There is a demand for housing in the area. That’s why we are continuing with our commitment to build more council properties. Since 2015 we have built in excess of 160 new homes in areas of need and where there is a demand. Our Tenants Participation Group have said they are some of the best council houses they have ever seen.
  • Jobs and investment – A thriving high street brings with it additional wealth and health and creates jobs. We will continue with our Shop Local – Spend Local campaigns to encourage people to support their local high street and businesses and we have supported local businesses by offering them free advertising and promotion within Council publications and digital platforms. We also launched the InBusiness magazine that is distributed free of charge to every business providing information on grants, new schemes and who to contact for help and advice.
  • Accountable and accessible – As mentioned above, we have had excellent audit and value for money reports that show what we are doing is working and that it is benefitting local communities. We promote everything we do through our website, resident publications, social media, Bolsover TV and digital platforms.
  • Crime and disorder – We know crime can have a huge impact upon people’s lives, that’s why in 2022 we committed to investing over £250k on a new CCTV system that is linked to a central monitoring suite, giving real time information that can be passed onto the relevant agencies. We also bought all our enforcement teams under one umbrella to enable them to work more closely and deal with issues affecting residents quicker.
  • History and heritage – We have an abundance of history and heritage running through the District and it is vitally important that we retain and showcase this for future generations. That’s why, we will continue to support local history groups by helping to promote what they do by encouraging others to join or visit their premises and learn about our district.
  • Transport – We are looking to extend the Robin Hood Line service from Shirebrook to Ollerton and re-instate the Sunday service to increase opportunities for our local residents and visitors. We will also continue with our campaign to get the Maid Marion passenger line re-instated through Pinxton. And we will continue to lobby the authorities and companies responsible for public transport to get a better and fairer spread of available public transport across Bolsover District.
  • Tourism – We have three major tourist landmarks, supported by many other visitor attractions in Bolsover District and we will continue to work with these to increase visitors and help boost the local economy. This is just a brief snapshot of what we have and are continuing to do on your behalf.

There are areas that we have no direct control over such as education (school placements), highways (pot holes, speeding), public transport (buses) and social care (adult and child social services), but we have and will continue to report instances on your behalf where the responsible authority is not meeting their standards and your expectations.

I appreciate that we do not always get it right and not everyone agrees with our decisions. But what I will say is that the decisions we make and the actions we take are for the benefit of our residents in general.I hope the information contained within this letter has given you a picture of what Labour is doing and with your support on 4 May 2023, we can continue to make sure our communities continue to thrive and get the investment you deserve.

Steve Fritchley
Councillor Steve Fritchley
Bolsover District Council Leader